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GaLaBau 2024 

#matevliveFrom 11-14 September, we were in Nuremberg at GaLaBau, the home game in our trade fair calendar. Read our review to find out what our highlights were.

This year's GaLaBau was once again a complete success for matev, and we are proud to have been able to present our new, larger stand in Hall 9! As always, our trade fair team had a lot of fun presenting our innovative products and solutions in the fields of green maintenance, area maintenance and winter services. The stand attracted many interested visitors thanks to its eye-catching and open design and the large number of exhibits representing our entire product portfolio. We were able to hold numerous enthusiastic discussions with visitors and partners during the trade fair.

#feelthenewsInnovations at the matev stand

  • Irrigation: Our new TRL-3D 20 municipal trailer with integrated irrigation system is a real innovation. With IBC containers, a robust hose system and a powerful PTO pump, it is not only ideal for transport, but now also for irrigation. A multi-talent that fascinated many visitors.

  • Casting: We presented our new casting arm for the first time, which will be available from 2025. This robust attachment is being specially developed for municipal use and generated a lot of anticipation among visitors.

  • Sweeping: The SWE-57 professional sweeper will soon be available with an attachment for loaders - a solution that offers more flexibility for different implement carriers.

  • Mowing: Our portal mower aroused great interest, particularly with regard to the gentle maintenance of flowering meadows in municipalities. The issue of biodiversity is of growing importance, and matev offers an environmentally friendly option for species protection with this solution.

  • Clearing and sweeping for small tractors: A new addition to our portfolio is a clearing and sweeping system for small lawn tractors up to 25 hp, which can be operated with the Cat. 0 attachment. This extension offers many possible applications, both in the municipal and private sectors.

Our team once again went all out to transform the matev stand into a place where our trade fair visitors could feel completely at ease.

Lively activity at the matev exhibition stand. Many good discussions were held and visitors were able to obtain extensive advice and convince themselves of the high quality of our matev devices.

#primetimematev Mania - The ultimate game show

A special highlight of the trade fair was once again our customer evening on Thursday - the ‘matev Mania’ game show. Our dealers were able to meet up and enjoy the evening in a relaxed atmosphere with finger food and drinks. The games were particularly entertaining: From an exciting set box game to matev Bingo, where the Bingo champions moved on to the final quiz. Congratulations to our winners at this point too!

#thebetstandsThe hall bet

An absolute highlight of the evening was the bet made by our Managing Director Georg Hemmerlein, who hosted the evening as showmaster. He bet that we would not manage to collect 500 likes for his selfie on our social media channels by the end of the evening...

...but we did it! His bet? A ride on the Bobby Car through the exhibition hall the next day. The video of this funny moment, which was of course also posted on our social media channels, is a must-see!

Georg's bobby car ride through the exhibition hall

#thankyouImpressions from the trade fair

Ein Messestand von matev auf der GaLaBau 2024. Im Vordergrund sind verschiedene Anbaugeräte ausgestellt, darunter Kehrmaschinen, Schneeschilder und Aufnahmesysteme. Ein gelber Hochentleerer ist prominent platziert, während rechts ein John Deere Traktor präsentiert wird. Der Stand ist modern gestaltet, mit einer schwarzen Wand, auf der gelbe Symbole und Abkürzungen wie FPS, SPR und SBL auf Produkte hinweisen. Besucher interagieren mit den ausgestellten Geräten.
Messestand der Firma matev. GaLaBau 2024 in Nürnberg. Anbaugeräte für die Kommunaltechnik.
Eine fröhliche Gruppe von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern am Messestand der GaLaBau 2024, eine Messe für Anbaugeräte, Traktoren und vieles mehr. Alle tragen schwarze Poloshirts mit gelbem matev-Logo und posieren vor einer gelben Wand mit schwarzen Hashtags. Im Hintergrund sind verschiedene Aussteller und Besucher der Messe zu sehen.
Ein fröhlicher Moment auf dem matev Kundenabend nach der GalaBau2024: Drei Personen stehen an einem Stehtisch und lachen in die Kamera. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Gäste zu sehen, die sich unterhalten und Getränke genießen. Der Raum ist warm beleuchtet und festlich dekoriert.
Eine lebhafte Szene auf einer Bühne: Eine Person mit einem Namensschild 'Ken' trinkt aus einem Glas und zeigt lächelnd in die Menge, während eine andere Person mit einem Mikrofon spricht. Im Hintergrund ist eine Projektion mit Bildern von lachenden Menschen zu sehen.